Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Your Inbox Zen Journey

    2. How to Get the Most Out of This Course

    3. Assess Your Email Relationships

    1. Creating the Right Mindset for Inbox Zen Success

    2. Debunking the Most Common Limiting Beliefs About Email Productivity

    3. Most Common Email Management Mistakes and How to Fix Them

    4. Mindset Module Recap & Action Plan

    5. 🎁 Bonus Tutorial: How to Turn Off Gmail Notifications on Desktop and Mobile

    1. Introduction to Decluttering Your Inbox

    2. How to Consolidate and Simplify Email Management

    3. Reducing Email Clutter: A Step-by-Step Approach

    4. Effective Strategies for Unsubscribing from Unwanted Newsletters

    5. Unsubscribe with Gmail: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

    6. Unsubscribe Using Third-Party Tools: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

    7. Ensuring Long-Term Email Declutter Success

    8. Decluttering Module Recap & Action Plan

    9. 🎁 Bonus Tutorial: How to Set Up Email Forwarding in Gmail

    1. Introduction to Inbox Organisation

    2. Mapping Your Personal Tech Tools for Better Inbox Management

    3. Inbox Audit Exercise

    4. Mastering Inbox Efficiency: Archiving vs Deleting, and Search Tips

    5. How to Start Fresh: An "Email Inbox Clean Slate" Exercise

    6. Setting Up a Starred Inbox

    7. Creating Essential Inbox Folders for Better Organisation

    8. Automating Your Inbox with Filters

    9. Organising Module Recap & Action Plan

    1. Introduction to Efficient Email Processing

    2. The 4Ds Rule: A Framework for Email Processing

    3. Creating Your Personalised Email Processing Workflow

    4. Micro Habits for Maintaining Email Zen

    5. Process my inbox with me

    6. Action Module Recap & Action Plan

    7. 🎁 Bonus Tutorial: Using the Starred Inbox System on Mobile

    1. Introduction to the Maintenance Module

    2. The Power of Routines: Maintaining Email Zen In a Long Term

    3. Creating a "Life happens" Plan For Email

    4. How to Commit to Your New Email Habits

    5. Maintenance Module Recap & Action Plan

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Ready to transform your inbox?